1 2005 year granted 300 acres
2 2006 year granted 285 acres
3 2007 year granted 450 acres
4 2008 year granted 522 acres
Water rights encumbered
Conservation Values Protected
- Agricultural Open Space: The primary use on this property is cattle grazing. The grass is healthy and lush, often more than a foot tall, due to the landowners use of rotational grazing.
- Scenic Open Space: The property is visible from County Road 3 near Ute Pass and from neighboring BLM land. Protection of this property preserves the scenic drive that so many Grand County residents experience daily. The four conservation easements are adjacent to each other and total 1557 acres of conserved property. Two conservation easements held by Colorado Headwaters Land Trust, and one held by another entity are located nearby.
- Wildlife Habitat: According to the landowners and Colorado Parks and Wildlife, this property is calving grounds for deer and elk. Mule deer and elk are always present on the property except during severe winter months. Greater sage grouse use the area for nesting and brood rearing. The property is reportedly within a mile and a half of a sage grouse lek. Skylark Creek and the wetland areas provide excellent riparian habitat.