It is Colorado River Headwaters Land Trust’s responsibility to do its part to protect the spectacular valleys and scenic views created by the headwaters of the Colorado River in Grand County. The rivers and streams of the Colorado River headwaters have shaped and continue to sustain the scenic valleys and landscapes so critical to Grand County’s economy, cultural heritage and quality of life. These are the landscapes Colorado Headwaters Land Trust is working hard to protect, by focusing its efforts on two major conservation projects: the Colorado River and Fraser River Initiatives.
Colorado River Initiative
The magnificent Colorado River — the carver of the Grand Canyon and the lifeline of the southwest — is the most endangered river in the United States. It begins its 1,450-mile journey in Rocky Mountain National Park in Grand County. Several of the river’s headwater tributaries, including the Fraser River, also begin in the county and flow into the Colorado River before it flows out of the county and downstream through seven states to the Gulf of California. These headwaters are struggling to retain their valuable natural attributes: scenic open space, wetlands, vital water rights, working ranches, critical cold-water aquatic habitat and world class rafting and fly fishing.
The land trust’s goal for this initiative is to acquire purchased or donated conservation easements that encumber both land and water rights — thus tying the water rights to the land — on qualified properties with willing landowners along the river to help ensure that Grand County’s spectacular Colorado River landscapes endure forever. As part of this initiative, Colorado Headwaters Land Trust is working on several donated easements as well as purchased easements through bargain sales.
Fraser River Initiative
The Fraser River was recently named the third most endangered river in the nation by American Rivers. This 32.5-mile river completes its entire journey in Grand County — it begins on Berthoud Pass, flows through the Fraser River Valley and confluences with the Colorado River near Granby. The land trust launched this initiative in 2011.
The land trust’s goal for this initiative is to protect private land along the river in partnership with willing landowners and to increase awareness of the Fraser Rivers’ plight. Colorado Headwaters Land Trust has closed several conservation easements along the Fraser River.
Granby Highlands Trails Conservation Easement
The Granby Highlands Trails Conservation Easement is one of our major preservation projects to conserve 780 acres of open space, and two river miles of the Colorado River, all in the Town of Granby! The property is located north of the intersection of US-40 and US-34. The property is visible for nearly all motorists who pass through Grand County. Approximately 480 acres, including the river mileage, will be public recreational open space. Additionally, this recreational space will include a proposed 10 miles of trails. Per consultation with local CPW staff, the remaining 300 acres will be preserved year-round for wildlife habitat, without recreational access.
Help us achieve this easement and make a lasting impact on Grand County's open spaces by making a donation! With your support, Colorado Headwaters Land Trust can raise the $203,167.44 needed to secure this easement.